Iintellectual Property Litigation

“Responsiveness … Dedication … Reliability”


Intellectual Property Litigation


Mourad Nasr & Associates lawyers know patent, trademark, copyright, trade secret and other intellectual property cases because we understand the law and complex litigation, we understand juries and have experience in key venues and we understand technology and how to translate complex information into lay terms.
Our IP Litigation lawyers have the technical education and experience to understand the most sophisticated technology and to communicate comfortably and confidently with engineers and scientists.

Our case preparation focuses on what matters – the objectives of our clients and developing and executing a strategy to achieve those objectives. While we frequently achieve our clients’ objectives without trial through settlement, alternative dispute resolution and tactical summary judgment practice, we try cases when necessary and have the right courtroom experience to effectively litigate in virtually any venue.
We try high-stakes patent, trade secret and other intellectual property cases in state and federal courtrooms around the United States, and are particularly adept at defending suits brought by non-practicing entities. Our reputation in the courtroom enhances our ability to achieve a business solution, such as a negotiated settlement, when that will best serve the needs of our client. Because our opponents respect that reputation, they are often motivated to explore all settlement possibilities before trial.

We closely monitor ITC complaint filings on behalf of our clients to act immediately when a complaint is filed. Often, the complainant has had significant time to prepare its infringement case and the respondent must use what little time there is to formulate its defenses before discovery starts. Because the deadlines for discovery in the ITC are as little as 10 days and the hearing to determine liability for infringement usually occurs about 6 months after filing, every day counts in an ITC proceeding.