FAQ Trademarks

“Responsiveness … Dedication … Reliability”




What are the international trademark treaties to which Egypt is a party?

  • Paris Convention
  • Madrid Agreement
  • Madrid Protocol
  • Trademark Law Treaty
  • Madrid Agreement for the Repression of False or Deceptive Indications of Source on Goods
  • Convention for the Protection of Producers of Phonograms Against Unauthorized Duplication of Their Phonograms
  • Nice Agreement

How long does it take to conduct an availability search?
5 working days

What documents are required for filing a trademark application?
Only power of attorney, duly legalized up to the Egyptian Consul, is required; the power may be filed within 6 months from the date of filing the application.

Is one power sufficient for filing subsequent applications?

Can priority be claimed under Paris Convention?

Is multi-class application is possible?
Yes, but not advisable because of administrative complications

How much does it take for an application to mature to registration?
The estimated time, in case of smooth procedures, ranges from 18-24 months

Is it possible to file an opposition against an application?
Yes, after the application successfully passes the examination process, it will be published for opposition purposes.

What are the rights conferred by the registration?
The right to prohibit others from using same or similar mark in respect of same of similar goods.

What is the term for protection of a registration?
10 years from the date of filing the application, renewable for likewise periods during the last year of protection.

Is it possible to revive a registration which has been abandoned for non- renewal?
Yes, within three years from the date of abandonment

Is use required for maintaining a registration?
Use is not required for the renewal of a registration; the mark which has not been used for 5 consecutive years may be subject to challenge based on non-use.

Is it compulsory to record a license/assignment ?
No, but it is highly advisable to be recorded in order to avoid any possible challenge of the registration based on non-use by the owner/registered user of the mark.